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Welcome to 2022!!! - The Schultz Foster Family

Welcome to 2022!!!

Johann and I felt very isolated in the beginning of our Foster journey. We started opening our home and found there are many families and individuals fostering, adopting and offering place of safety to vulnerable children. So we decided to bring people together.

We are also, on a daily basis, helping new families with advice on becoming Foster parents and pointing them in the right direction for screenings, paperwork etc.

There is no financial obligation to our events or participation except to sometimes pay a venue fee if its at a larger venue or contribute towards the refreshments. You need to be screened and have paperwork in place as either fostering, adopting or place of safety.

We know there is very little financial support and so when we have food, milk, baby items clothing, or toy donations to share – we do so with love.

We rely solely on the goodwill and contributions of friends, corporates, local businesses and churches to fund the events and are so thankful for the support.

Upcoming events for the purpose of networking, moral support and friendship

  • 27 February Foster & Adopting and Place of Safety Picnic
  • 12 March Heart Mommy & Social Worker Appreciation Tea
  • April Easter Egg Hunt date/venue TBC
  • June Father to the Fatherless date/venue TBC

If you wish to attend or participate in the form of contributions towards the events – please get in contact with me!

We are excited for 2022. A year of growth and restoration.

Genevieve and Johann

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